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As a child, the fable The Fox and the Crow by Aesop was read to me at Beech Hyde primary school, by a teacher I recall being named Mrs Little. The way she told the story enthralled me, making such a big impression that the tale stuck firmly in my mind. At the time, I didn't understand the relevance of its moralistic ending, which was 'never trust a flatterer', but I loved that story and the way it had been told to me.
It was only in later years, when I discovered a love of writing and reciting stories that I felt the urge to pay homage to both Aesop and Mrs Little, but I had no idea where to begin! That was, until the day I saw my cat catch a pigeon. Aesop's fable sprang to mind and I wondered, instead of flattery, what if turned things on their head and used an insult as the driving factor in a story?
Clever Mr Cat is the result of that musing. I hope it has done justice to both Aesop and Mrs Little.

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