Limericks like Lears's.... ish!

Generally, whenever the word limerick is mentioned, many people immediately think of such obscene rhymes as, ‘There was a young lady from Kent….’ or ‘There was a young man from Gosham…’, whose crude content I won’t expand on here, but in my experience, reflect a couple of such popular examples amongst my generation. Whilst most folk consider this particular format a reflection of what limericks should be, the fact of the matter is far from the truth.
For those of you who never discovered my first booklet-sized publication of Learmerickish back in 1996, and are wondering what to expect, this revised, expanded edition of my original, tiny works contains an eclectic mix of truths and observations, a degree of satirical, social commentary and sometimes smutty adult humour, all of which I have personally illustrated using pencil and Indian ink in keeping with the original medium, though my drawing style is somewhat different to the images which accompanied Edward Lear’s work. I confess, my sketches are at times naïve and probably childish, but I have incorporated elements within my illustrations that hopefully enhance the accompanying text of each piece and add extra depth, direction and dynamic to my meagre offerings.
Whilst aimed at the adult market, for this little book contains some risqué images and subject matter, Learmerickish relies on double entendres rather than profanities to provide humour, and I hope to a degree, is more in keeping with Lear’s original style if not his content!
I hope my contemporary spin on the Master of the Limericks work does him justice and that this tribute, will be entertaining to peruse and will inspire others seek out Edward Lear’s books. I hope, in some small way, this book revives interest in limericks and the eccentric world of Mr Edward Lear, whose wit and creativity with words brought joy and amusement to several generations of both adults and children.
Available on Amazon in both paperback and Hardback